New Hair Style: Jet Black-Bluish Hair Color

Bettie Bangs Pinup Hair - My New Blue-Black Pinup Hairstyle 

I'm about 3 months behind in my posts of outfits, so you're still going to see me with red hair on a daily basis until I catch up! But I wanted to share my new hair color on the website. I have gone jet black with bluish "highlights" for the Springtime. I did this about 5 years ago too. I'm digging it. It's nice to have a change every once in a while. Though it's funny because I'll still always think I'm a redhead. 

I like how it contrasts with my eyes. The tough part is filling in my blonde eyebrows. That takes a bit more skill than with the reddish brown eyebrows.

That's my nautral haircolor from when I was 4. I love that polkadot tutu. Anyway, yep, strawberry blondie goes jet black. Fun fun!