Sexy Curvy Woman Pin Up Fashion Leopard Print Skirt, Sparkly Tank and Purple Cardigan BBW Plus Size OOTD with Pigtails and Bettie Bangs
Feelin' Cute in this Weekend Pinup Fashion Outfit with Sparkly Tank, Purple Cardigan and Leopard Print Swing Skirt (and Pigtails!) Plus Size ootd for Curvy Women
My mom gave me that skirt for Valentine's Day because I was down in New Orleans visiting her during that holiday. I love it because it's so comfy and cute and goes with a million things. I got that tank top ages ago when I worked at Old Navy. It has blingy beed work along hte v-neck collar that's very pretty and sparkly. The cardigan was also from my NOLA trip this year at No Fleas Market on Magazine St. Blet from Boomerangs Thrift Store on Centre St in West Roxbury. I wore just the sheer black tights because it was a weekend going out outfit. For work, I'd wear leggings and a top that ovverre dmore coverage and then I coudl totally wear this as a pin up style plus size outfit for work. Minus the pigtails, too, though. You can always tell an outfit's for going out and not work if I've got pigtails. It's easy and flirty and cute and against all the rules that they (ubiquitous fahsion police they) have for women over 30, and I love breaking rules.