Mixed Print Plus Size Pin Up OOTD with Striped Tank Top, Pleated Leopard Print Skirt, and Cropped Grey Cardigan w/ Coordinating Accessories
Mixed Print Plus Size Pin Up Style Outfit with Turquoise Striped Tank Top, Leopard Print Pleated Skirt, Grey Cropped Cardigan and Coordinating Accessories
I realllllllly love the "mixed prints" movement in fashion that's occurring these days. It's how I think usually: things being on the brink of chaos but still somehow it all comes together. Instead of linear thinking, a kind of spiral or web of thinking. If you want more outfit ideas, you can see them on my Pinterest board, "The Beauty of Chaos - Mixed Print Fashion."
This Particular Plus Size Pin Up Outfit of the Day with Stripes, Leopard Print and Grey
In this instance, I have a turquoise and navy striped tank top from Old Navy, and cropped grey cardigan, also from ON plus a thick pleated leopard print that was my Valentine's Day gift from my mom. The grommeted belt is from a dollar store. Bargain! My accessories are leopard print, turquoise and silver so they coordinate with the outfit. That's one good strategy for keeping the mixed print outfit together. The other would be to have accessories that are all the same solid color, since the outfit is very busy, or minimal accessories. Or you could go extra crazy and have those be all mixed too! There's no rules, of course, only guidelines for what you think looks good.