"Annnnd We're Back!"...A Return to New Posts Every Week Here at Glam Witch Style

Weekly Posts to Glam Witch Style Resuming in May 2018

For the past year and a half, I've put a pause on posting regularly to GlamWitchStyle.com as I reorganized and re-strategized my blogging approach. While I still have old posts to revise, I am also going to start generating new posts again. 

You can look forward to all new posts featuring plus size outfits for work, vintage style accessories from the self-proclaimed Accessories Czarina (me), tips on make up, hairstyles and other every day pin up style adventures and plus size pin up outfits and other vintage fashion ideas on a budget. 

Bridget Eileen plus size pagan pinup poet and blogger in yellow swing dress

My Online Arts and Culte Notebook: Vintage-Bridge

Glam Witch Style will focus on my interest in the fine art of dressing. My other interests in arts and culture will be at my Arts and Culture Notebook "An Arts Notebook" (AnArtsNotebook.com), including old travel, food, home decor and nature posts from this site--I have transferred them to AnArtsNotebook.com.

Weekly Posts at Glam Witch Style

Thanks for following and for your interest, as I revamped my blogging life. Look for new weekly posts at An Arts Notebook as well. I'll have lots of foodie, nature, and travel-related posts about my new home in Providence, Rhode Island, and about my adopted sister-city, New Orleans (my mom's adopted city is NOLA, so I call it my adopted sister-city--get it???) and still plenty to catch up on from my adventures in Boston and Massachusetts, where I return often. 

Daily Posts from Glam Witch Style (@GlamWitchStyle) on Social Media

Stay tuned for a new fashion post coming very soon! If you want to see daily posts from me, be sure to follow me at @GlamWitchStyle on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, where I usually have a brief post each day of accessories or outfits. Thanks again for your support throughout my Blog Remodel. It's good to be back on a schedule. I'm excited!